My Kitchen Design Ideas Checklist

Everyone deserves a beautiful kitchen. Start by gathering kitchen design ideas about the details in your kitchen. What do you want to either keep or change in your kitchen remodel.

Before you remodel your kitchen, make a checklist of major and minor problems and keep notes of the features you like and dislike most. This way, when it comes tome to sit down with a qualified designer, they'll know exactly how to suit your needs, taste and style.

While your at would be helpful for you to gather magazine clippings from glossy shelter magazines like...

Better Homes & Gardens

Country Home


Elle Decor

Home & Design

House Beautiful

Real Simple

Traditional Home

Make sketches and tear-out photos that would show what kitchen design ideas you have for your new kitchen.

Watch and visit HGTV. You will find the latest trends in kitchen design ideas for kitchen cabinets, countertops, backsplashes, and islands.

What do you dislike most about your present kitchen? For example, lack of storage, style of cabinetry, etc.

What do you like most about your present kitchen? For example, color, spaciousness, etc.

Is there anything specific you would like to include in your new kitchen?

Is there adequate space? Make sure your satisfied with the amount of counter space, storage space and floor space. The location of your refrigerator, range, or sink may be taking away from useful countertop area. Relocating them or removing a window or door could be the solution.

Are you happy with the traffic flow through your kitchen?You may want to consider making more room by taking down a wall and opening up the space to an adjacent living or dining room. With two cooks in the kitchen or a house full of children or guests to entertain you may need more room. The adjoining spaces will allow more social interaction with family and friends.

Is you kitchen efficient? Energy efficient appliances could save yo money on your electric and water bill. New technologies that have been integrated into appliances are worth the investment.

Do you have children? Depending on whether or not you have children, and their ages, your kitchen may need to be remodeled. Dated appliances and the layout of your kitchen can be hazardous to young children. If you are in the process of extending your family, you may even want more room building an addition to your existing home. You'll be adding space for yourself and designating easier access for storage for the kids.

Do yo want to stay home and age in place? An AARP survey says: 85% of 55+ want to stay home and age in place. An ASID survey says: 77% of 55+ want to stay home and age in place. Although very few 55+ acknowledge safety concerns, The Principles of Universal Design allows for features that help clients age in place.

Do you like the location and design of your kitchen?The heart or hearth of the home should be in a central location that incorporates everything that centers around your family. Let's change it to meet all or your needs on your wish list. Add windows, add doors, add a deck, add lighting, add style.

Now you know your kitchen needs remodeling...don't worry there are a few more steps to take and more Kitchen Design Questions to ask.

Take this comprehensive online Kitchen Questionnaire before remodeling your kitchen.

Kitchen Questionnaire

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Please complete the challenge that you see below.


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