Plan The Perfect Custom Kitchen Using...Fire, Water, and Storage.

Fire, Water, Storage...(i.e. appliances, sink, cabinetry)

Our kitchens embody the core elements that archeologists have discovered. In excavations from Taos, New Mexico to the ruins of Pompeii, Italy. The same needs that have faced our predecessors face us today. Our needs have not changed.

The traditional layout of a kitchen whether an Amazonian Hut or a Fifth Avenue Penthouse have the same core elements...Fire, Water, and Storage.

That is the reason the kitchen will always remain the heart of the home. Or is that the hearth of the home? Hearth. Heart. Everybody uses that phrase. It's not important.

I'll ask Kevin Henry - designer, writer and speaker,“thought-leader” to the kitchen industry for over 25 years who is sought out for his views and observations regarding market trends and industry direction. I attribute these opening thoughts to him.

What also is not important is how the kitchen has evolved over the years. What is important is how we have changed the use and understanding of the kitchen.

A new kitchen matrix has formed. Over the past 30 years the use of the kitchen has changed.

The use of the kitchen has broadened to become the place where family and friends gather, share, rejuvenate and commune.

So today's kitchen is still a gathering place. However, the once secluded room where a woman slaves away is now part of a greater social arena.

It serves as the Media Room, Dining Room, Home Office and place to do Homework. It is the place where you food prep but with social interaction. It is the place for Entertainment but also the Living Room. Good cabinetry design will give you a place for everything.

More furniture than kitchen.

The adjectives that describe today's modern kitchen are free, easy, open, inviting.

A kitchen without boundaries and barriers.

The kitchen must now function on several different levels. Kitchens are highly complex rooms that serve many different functions.

Kitchens are the busiest and most expensive rooms in a house. The kitchen is one of the first rooms people remodel when they are looking to improve their home.

Everyone deserves a beautiful kitchen.

That means you TOO!!!

It's important to make the best of it. The most important part of designing a kitchen is the planning.

Let's start planning your perfect kitchen right NOW!!!

What is our budget?

Where do we begin?

What do I like and dislike?

Where do I start gathering Kitchen Ideas?

What's my taste and style?

How do I design it?

What cabinet types are there?

What appliances do I choose?

What countertop selections are there?

What flooring selections are there?

What are my storage options?

What home technology can I incorporate i.e. home control, home lighting, smart wiring, networking, home theater, surround sound, video, mobile devices?


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